How to Adjust Disk Space Quotas in WHM

The disk space quota is the total amount of hard drive space allocated on the server for an account.

The disk space quota is usually set in a package that is assigned to the account when the account is created. 

Upgrading or downgrading the account to another package that has a different disk space quota will adjust the disk space quota automatically without having to go through the steps in this tutorial.

  1. Login to WHM.
  2. Click on the Account Functions icon (or section heading in the side column).
  3. Click on the Quota Modification icon (or link in the side column) .
  4. Select the domain or the user of the account.
  5. Click the Modify button.
  6. Enter the new value (in megabytes).
  7. Click the Change button.

Note: This will override the settings in a package if one is assigned to the account. 

However, changing the settings in a package will automatically overwrite any custom changes that are set here. 

To avoid this, it is recommended that you create a new package with the new settings, then switch the package for the account to this new package instead of modifying the quota here.

Tip: For special packages that are only meant for one account, it is recommended that you name the package after the domain or user for which it is assigned as a matter of convention.

Tip: If the change is meant to be temporary, simply re-assign the package to the account using the Upgrade/Downgrade an Account option located in the Account Functions section to revert the disk space quota back to the original setting in the package.

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